We are proud to announce that we have now expanded our service offerings to include the following:

  • Planning, performing, and interpretation of rock mechanical testing including Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression Testing, Brazilian Testing, Fracture Toughness Testing, Lab Scale Hydraulic Fracturing Testing, and Biot’s Tests.
  • Planning, performing, and interpretation of soil testing including Triaxial Testing (Drained and Undrained), and Consolidation Testing.
  • Finite element and discrete element numerical modelling such as tunnel excavation and support design modelling, and TBM excavation numerical simulation in complicated geotechnical and geological settings.
  • Deep wellbore design (>1000 m depth) in terms of stability and trajectory for mining and oil/ gas industry.
  • Rock Mass fracture modelling.
  • Evaluation and analysis of the vibration and noise related data (construction sites).
  • Data mining and statistical data analysis.
  • Research and Development projects in ground engineering disciplines such as Geotechnical, Geomechanical, Mining, and Oil/Gas.