Engineering Services

About Engineering Division:

Complementing our geotechnical and environmental services, we provide municipal
engineering services to commercial, industrial, residential, institutional and high-rise
developments. Our services start with the conceptual/feasibility stage continuing through
preliminary engineering, detailed design and preparation of tender drawings and contract
documents to construction inspection and contract administration.

Why choose Sirati:

Our consulting engineering skills are offered to both the public and private sectors in
Ontario market sectors and Caribbean Islands. The prime public sector focuses in urban
development and renewal, specific to water and wastewater conveyance, stormwater
management, traffic management and roads and bridges. Moreover, specific to private
sector our skills are demonstrated in the urban development of brownfield development
(create a link to BF Development page please) and greenfield engineering applications,
regulatory consultation and approvals, site plan approvals, functional servicing and
detailed design and construction management. We strongly support project and quality
control management as well as project delivery on budget and schedule.

Our engineering services include:

 Planning engineering and reports (technical studies and modelling including water,
wastewater, stormwater and traffic analyses)
 Functional and pre-design reports
 Advisory, risk management and claims resolution and mitigation
 Alternative project delivery models